Rachel Bilson Says She Lost a Job After Speaking Openly About Sex

May 2024 · 2 minute read

Rachel Bilson revealed that she recently lost a job over remarks she made on a podcast about her sex life. On Monday’s episode of Bilson’s Broad Ideas podcast, the actor said she was “floored” by the response to her comments about sex on the Women on Top podcast. “It’s been an interesting week, guys,” Bilson told her Broad Ideas guest Jordana Brewster. “This is the first time it’s ever happened to me in my professional life that I lost a job this week because of things that were said and then spun in the press and clickbait headlines and whatnot. I lost my first job.” Bilson spoke candidly about sex positions and orgasms on an episode of Women on Top earlier this month. News outlets then pulled out a specific quote where Bilson shares that she likes to be “manhandled.” Bilson later emphasized that her comments were made in a “joking manner.” “That specific line was pulled and it made it sound a certain way. I didn’t even have a chance to defend myself,” Bilson said.

“A job got taken away from me because I was speaking candidly and openly about sex in a humorous way on our friend’s podcast,” Bilson explained. “I basically got a job that I already had pulled from me because I was speaking openly about sex. In this day and age. I am baffled.” Bilson went on to say that she cried after losing the job, which her rep told The Hollywood Reporter was an endorsement deal. “I’m a single mom. Like, I need these jobs … everything counts. You know, I provide a lot for my family — my daughter — and regardless of anything else, it all matters.”

Rachel Bilson Lost a Job After ‘Speaking Openly About Sex’
