Depeche Mode Return to the Studio and the Road After Fletchs Death

June 2024 · 1 minute read
Depeche Mode activated.

Depeche Mode is back in duo mode. The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame band is returning after the 2020 death of founding keyboardist Andy “Fletch” Fletcher for its first shows and album as a duo. The album, titled Memento Mori, will be the new-wave band’s 15th, after 2017’s Spirit, and it’s out in spring 2023. The tour will kick off around the same time, on March 23, and include just ten dates in North America leading up to Madison Square Garden on April 14. (From there, the band spends the summer in Europe, which don’t we all want to?) In a statement, singer Dave Gahan and keyboardist Martin Gore said the tour and album were in Fletch’s memory. “After Fletch’s passing, we decided to continue as we’re sure this is what he would have wanted, and that has really given the project an extra level of meaning,” Gore said of the album. Gahan added, “Fletch would have loved this album.” If you just can’t get enough Depeche Mode, you surely will, too.

Depeche Mode Return to the Road After Fletch’s Death
