We’ve seen superhero movies set in the present, the future, the ’70s, World War II, and even the Days of Future Past, but we haven’t seen many that are set during World War I. Luckily, Chris Pine, America’s wokest leading man, is on the case. In an interview with the Toronto Sun, the Wonder Woman second lead (not a dig; Pine’s happy to take the backseat) revealed that the upcoming film is set during the First World War. And just like any self-respecting Great War period drama, the Patty Jenkins–directed film isn’t skimping on production value. “Our costume design is incredible,” the actor said. “We have scenes with, like, 500 extras all in period dress.”
As anyone who has had to take modernist literature knows, a World War I story isn’t complete without a brooding rogue. Enter Pine’s character: “Steve Trevor is a rogue-ish, cynical realist who’s seen the awful brutish nature of modern civilization,” he said, unwittingly describing every male love interest in Downton Abbey. “He’s a worldly guy, a charming guy and it’s going to be a great, fun film. There are some incredibly deep, interesting and morally relevant themes.” Yes, we’re finally getting that superhero-movie-period-drama hybrid that appeals to all four quadrants: comic-book geeks, Masterpiece Mystery! fans, newsboy-cap aficionados, and the 38 million young souls cut down like poppies in bloom in the violence between 1914 and 1919.
Toronto Sun Wonder Woman Is Set During World War IncG1vNJzZmivp6x7t8HLrayrnV6YvK57kWlob2dgZny4u82dnKtlp6S6orqMoqpmq5WpeqXB0aKloGWnpL%2BtsIywmKtlmWO1tbnL